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技术员转正自我评价怎么写 篇1



一、思想方面。 我有良好道德修养、坚定的政治方向。坚持实事求是的工作态度,能自觉加强理论学习,努力提高思想政治素质。 在北方长大的我梦想到南方工作,被分配到福建实习满心欢喜。还记坐火车刚进入福建首先映入眼帘的是起起伏伏的群山,心中满是落差。到项目部后大家的友好热情让我很快融入到这个大家庭,让我渐渐适应了这个地方。 总以为外面的世界很精彩。可是,很快寂寞便向我袭来。这里远离了朝夕相处的亲人朋友、远离了留满足迹的城市、便捷的交通、舒适的生活。这里没有KTV,没有酒吧,没有影院,没有也公园,有的只是单调的生活。我对自己的未来产生了怀疑。尽管条件比较差,但是我没有听到别的同事对生活的抱怨和对生活的不满。我看到的是项目部的每个人都在为工程的进度各尽其责、各显其能。我被他们吃苦耐劳、精益求精的精神折服了,我要以他们为榜样,努力做好自己的本职工作。

二、在工作方面 我勤奋好学,踏实肯干,能吃苦耐劳,恪尽职守,具备较强的责任心与执行力。非常注意的向周围的老同事学习,在工作中处处留意,多看,多思考,多学习,以较快的速度熟悉着公司的情况,较好的融入到了我们的这个团队中。 一开始我搞测量。那段时间天很热,我们抗着仪器跨过沟、翻过山、穿过杂草丛„„就这样,我渐渐懂得了怎样用卡西欧5800计算器计算坐标,怎样放桩位以及如何放开挖线。 后来我跟随师傅学习现场技术。毒辣的太阳尽情的释放自己的热情,让我们我们每天汗流浃背。但是,我没有被这种艰辛的工作所吓倒,反而激起了我对工作和生活发起挑战的斗志。经过一段时间的考验,我变黑了,也会写资料了,放样与全站仪的操作能力也有了很大的提高。 再后来我的工作重点转移到资料上了,每天不再接受大自然的洗礼。但繁忙的工作给我很大压力,时间紧,任务重,领导的批评也如家常便饭。尽管如此,我没有气馁,我坚信只有自己努力,一定能够掌握技术工作的方方面面。我一如既往的以饱满的热情对待自己的工作。在工作的过程中,我的计算机操作水平有了进一步提高,业务素质长进很快。我渐渐的能做一些报表、收方、计划之类的事情„„这些小小的进步得到了大家的认可,20xx年被评为中铁十局“青年岗位能手”与 中铁十局三建公司“青年岗位能手”。 在工作之余,我认真学习公司、项目部的各项规章制度,研究施工图纸,积极将所学知识用于实际,潜移默化中培养了我组织能力和团队合作精神。现在我已能够胜任四工区的技术工作。

三、在生活上 在枯燥的工地生活中,为了扩大知识面和培养自己的业余爱好,业余时间我经常利用络带来的便利,关注最新科学技术动态。尤其是有关本专业的知识。使自己始终紧跟世界最新发展潮流和时代的步伐。 每逢中国的法定节假日,我们项目组织的个各种活动我都会踊跃参加,这些活动是我们同事的感情更深、更团结。 晚上偶尔的空闲时间和同事一起去镇上吃炒面也是一件很快乐的事情,吃吃喝喝,聊聊天,谈谈工作,增进了我们的感情,也使我们工作起来更为默契。在这里我认识了一批用于奉献,乐观向上的人,也是在这里我解释了许多真真的朋友,这些都让我很开心。

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技术员转正自我评价怎么写 篇3

In order to further implement the "science and education to promote the town" strategy. In 20xx I worked in the town of Guan tired, in the town of agricultural science and technology work, adhere to the scientific and technological development concept to guide the town of agricultural science and technology work, around the main line of science and technology and economic integration, wide application of agricultural new technology, new achievements, Efforts to improve the town of grain, plastic, tea, traditional industries, strengthen the construction of agricultural science and technology innovation, organization and implementation of the higher agricultural science and technology year, I work in science and technology, mainly to do the following aspects.

First, strengthen leadership, attention to agricultural science and technology work

Due to the geographical and environmental reasons, the utilization rate of agricultural science and technology is relatively lagging behind the developed townships and dam areas, the low quality of the peasant labor force, the overall organization and implementation of the strategic task of science and technology agriculture is very arduous and difficult. I went to the town after the incumbent, feel a sense of responsibility, work from the slightest slack. In accordance with the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' representing the requirements for the development of advanced productive forces, we must firmly establish the scientific concept of development, implement the strategy of promoting agriculture through pragmatic science and technology, incorporate scientific and technological work into the important agenda of our town, strengthen the establishment and leadership of scientific and technological organizations , For the town of agricultural science and technology work to create a good working atmosphere.

Second, to carry out science and technology campaign to enhance awareness of social science and technology

Popular science work is a basic, public welfare work, is one of the key scientific and technological work. Work, to the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th National Congress as guidance, conscientiously implement the "Law of the People's Republic of Science and Technology Popularization", often organize agriculture, culture, health education, water conservancy, forestry and other staff, flexible and diverse All kinds of popular science activities, improve the scientific and cultural quality of the people of all ethnic groups in the town.

(A) coordination of county science and technology bureau to carry out science and technology activities. In mid-June 20xx, according to the County Science and Technology Bureau of science and technology activities to the countryside schedule. In order to carry out this science and technology to the countryside activities, and effectively implement the strategy of science and technology to rural areas, and enhance farmers' understanding of science and technology to get rich, fundamentally change the people's traditional ideas, so that farmers really get science and technology benefits. I stand in the overall height, in science and technology to carry out the activities of the selected areas of the countryside, combined with the actual town, made a careful analysis and research, and the town of five village committees of science and technology activities into vine mountain and Dam two Dutch village committee, held two science and technology countryside ly to carry out science charts, presented popular science books, popular science consulting and other activities.

(B) coordination of farms, private rubber technology training courses held to enhance the management level of farmers science and town of private development of rubber tired quickly, at present, the town of acreage of more than 10 acres, the annual tapping area increased rapidly. But because of my part of the town of plastic farmers do not respect the scientific management, do not understand the use of scientific and technological knowledge in the town of private rubber cultivation, management and tapping, etc., not only increased labor intensity, labor costs, and plastic production as farms and caused Great waste of rubber resources. In view of the current private rubber technology in the town of weak, in order to enhance the private rubber industry, relying on farm technology to accelerate the healthy development of private rubber. In the first half of 20xx, I personally coordinated the farm and county township enterprises bureau, held a rubber technology training courses, grant education amounted to more than 2500 people, the main training of cultivation, fertilization, management, tapping and other new technologies. Through the training of point to area, spoke to the surrounding farmers to improve the management of new rubber technology awareness.

Third, careful organization, a good grasp of a number of science and technology projects to promote the work

(A) is the focus of scientific and technological work on the farmers planting, breeding technology promotion, application and mastery

(B) is the production technology, facilities, agriculture, advanced and practical agricultural technology as the main content, using a variety of forms, to carry out science and technology into the village households, so that the farmers really get the benefits of science and technology. In 20xx, invested 760,000 yuan in irrigation and water conservancy reform.

(C) is to increase the quality of crop promotion, improve production efficiency, increase farmer income

(D) is to seriously promote the work of agricultural mechanization, to encourage and guide farmers to buy farm machinery, promote agricultural production and semi-mechanization, reduce production intensity and improve production efficiency. The town of agricultural and sideline products processing power machinery 108, 160 agricultural rake machinery.

(E) is to do a good job of rural thoroughbred livestock promotion work.

(6) is to strengthen the construction and leadership of science and technology organizations.

(Seven) is to actively promote the popularization of health knowledge, with particular emphasis on infectious diseases, and daily life-related disease prevention.

(8) is held in Mengla County, private rubber tapping technology contest than the General Assembly.

(IX) is the "prevention first, prevention and control as a supplement," the working principle, strengthen the bird flu and rubber scale insect pest prevention and control work.

(10) is the town of agricultural science and technology information system.

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